Main North Road and Regency Road Intersection Planning Study

Main North Road and Regency Road Intersection Planning Study Main Image

The South Australian Government is seeking community feedback on infrastructure planning studies supporting almost $16 million worth of road, intersection and junction upgrades in Adelaide’s northern suburbs. 

Upgrading or investigating future upgrades at the sites to improve safety, access and traffic flow were election commitments by the Malinauskas Labor Government.

More than 70,000 vehicles use the Main North-Regency Rd intersection daily. We know it’s a safety hotspot where issues include wait times, traffic flow, pedestrian safety and access for local businesses.

I’m delighted the government is now delivering on our election commitment to undertake a traffic management study to support an intersection improvement plan. I encourage the community to take the opportunity to provide feedback during the consultation stage.

Each of these commitments contains a planning study or traffic investigation component, which will be informed by community feedback. They include:

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will commence engagement activities from Monday, 14 November, to allow community members to have their say on the planning studies and traffic investigations.
Community and stakeholder engagement is vital to the successful design and delivery of all these projects, which are all in varying stages of procurement and development.
For more information about each project, or to access the surveys and register for project updates, please visit